CHANAKYA IN DAILY LIFE  by Radhakrishnan Pillai (Author)

CHANAKYA IN DAILY LIFE by Radhakrishnan Pillai (Author)


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Conversation with Radhakrishnan Pillai


‘Who was Chanakya?’

‘He was one of the greatest thinkers India has produced. He was a master of many subjects. No, no…I correct myself…he was a master of all subjects.’

These were the words of the vice chancellor of a university when he was launching my book.

I had just then completed taking a series of lectures for about 300 students, on Chanakya and his ideas being applied in professional careers.

When the vice chancellor said those words, it hit me hard that there are few parallels in world history who could speak on so many subjects—philosophy, public administration, military, warfare, economics, politics, strategy, taxation, law, crime and control, punishments, duties of individuals, gemology, Ayurveda, Yoga, etc. The list goes on.

Even though in Arthashastra, Chanakya has written on 180 topics, there are many sub-topics within each topic. I have personally counted over 1000 topics that Chanakya had spoken and written about. But then, every time I think of any problem I always find a ‘Chanakya solution’ to it.

When I met Kapish Mehra of Rupa Publications for the first time and discussed the idea of this book, we brain-stormed on many themes.

Finally, we decided the theme for this book—Chanakya in daily life.

For me it became easy to focus from that point on. Because when we look into the literature Chanakya had written, it is so vast (6000 sutras in Arthashastra and Chanakya Niti). So, that just narrowed it down well for me.

Who would be the readers of our book—the target audience?’ was my next question.

‘Anyone and everyone who wants to practise Chanakya in daily life—in simple, easy-to-practise steps’, was our conclusion.

Therefore, the book that you have in your hand is simple and profound. Now, anyone can benefit from the great wisdom of the great master Chanakya.

Chanakya in Daily Life is divided into 3 parts:

 Part 1—Chanakya in Personal Life

Part 2—Chanakya in Professional Life

Part 3—Chanakya in Family Life

All of us play these roles simultaneously every day—we have a personal life (only known to us), a professional life (involving our work) and family life (the part of our life where we get maximum happiness or sadness from, while dealing with our family members.) Chanakya has spoken on all these topics in detail, imparting knowledge that will put you on the path to a healthy and happy life.

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Worrying is like a rocking chair, 

it moves but does not go ahead. 

There is action but no progress.

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