Life's Amazing Secrets: How to find Bala  by Gaur Gopal Das (Author, Contributor)

Life's Amazing Secrets: How to find Bala by Gaur Gopal Das (Author, Contributor)


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"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."

About the Author

Gaur Gopal Das studied electrical engineering from the College of Engineering, Pune. After a brief stint with Hewlett Packard, he decided to live life as a monk in an ashram in downtown Mumbai. He has remained there for twenty-two years, learning the antiquity of ancient philosophy and the modernity of contemporary psychology, to become a life coach to thousands in the city.

Gaur Gopal Das has been travelling the world since 2005, sharing his wisdom with corporate executives, universities and charities. In 2016, his global popularity exploded as he took his message online. With millions of views on his videos on social media, he has now begun to lead a movement to help others achieve happiness and purpose in their lives. Now one of the most famous monks in the world, Gaur Gopal Das holds the title of 'The Ideal Young Spiritual Guru', conferred upon him by the Indian Student Parliament, MIT Pune.

Life's Amazing Secret: Finding Happiness in the Simplest Moments

Life is a beautiful journey, and within its tapestry of experiences lies an amazing secret: happiness can be found in the simplest moments. In our quest for success and material wealth, we often overlook the profound joy that everyday life offers.

Imagine the warmth of a morning sunbeam kissing your cheek as you sip a cup of coffee, or the laughter shared with a friend over a heartfelt conversation. These are the moments that hold the true essence of life's beauty.

Nature, too, unveils its secrets to those who take the time to notice. The gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, the melodious chirping of birds, and the breathtaking colors of a sunset are all reminders of the wonders that surround us.

Moreover, kindness and compassion are the keys to unlocking life's secret. When we help others and nurture meaningful relationships, we discover the profound satisfaction of making a positive impact on the world.

Ultimately, life's amazing secret is not hidden away in some distant treasure chest; it's right here, in the present moment. By embracing the simplicity of life, finding joy in everyday experiences, and sharing love and kindness, we unlock the true essence of happiness that has been with us all along. So, let's treasure life's hidden gem, for it's the simple moments that make life truly extraordinary.

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