The One Thing [Hardcover] Gary Keller and Jay by Gary Keller (Author), Jay Papasan (Author)

The One Thing [Hardcover] Gary Keller and Jay by Gary Keller (Author), Jay Papasan (Author)


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If you want more productive in work lets read this book to know about hacks.

About the Author

About the Author: The One Thing was written by two authors, viz. Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. Gary is known for authoring books on real estate investments and also the chairman of a real estate franchising company, Keller Williams Realty. Papasan is one of the authors of the best-seller, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 1848549601
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Hodder And Stoughton; 1st edition (4 July 2013)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 256 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9781848549609
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1848549609
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 16 years and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 209 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm


Reviewed in India on 25 December 2016

The book with 18 chapters tells us about how we usually lead our lives with a mindset that the more v get involved in many things….the more v can accomplish….which is not true….The result would b: v will not b able 2 complete the work in an efficient manner…

Here are d insights of the chapters :

1) THE ONE THING : Recognise not all things matter the same. U need to focus on one thing at a time. Do not go for everything at a given moment of time. Do the thing (THE ONE THING) which matter the most or u would get lost trying to do too much and in the end accomplish too little. Go Slow…Go Small.

2) THE DOMINO EFFECT : Everything is achieved over time. Everything is based on time. Success is built on success. Topple the first small domino (most important task at the moment: actually its u) and eventually it will topple the biggest one sequentially.

3) SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES: The ONE thing comes again & again in the lives of successful people. There is only one most important thing among the important things. Concentrate on that one thing. No one is self made: Everyone has someone who may have influenced or helped in some manner. Passion leads to Practice. Practice leads to Skill. Skill leads to Result. Just live the ONE thing.

4) THE LIES : EVERYTHING MATTERS EQUALLY : Sometimes/Most of the times; v do not achieve what we want because of a few lies which v believe 2 b true and live upon. All things r not equal. Things which matter the most must not b compromised with those which matter the least. Equality is a lie. Have a clear sense of priority. Things which matter most do not usually scream. Make success lists (Should do) instead of relying on To do lists (Could do). Success lists r made by filtering the To do lists. Find vital few of the few important things to the most important thing (ONE Thing).Right input creates most output. Go small. Say NO to all other things until the ONE thing is done.

5) THE LIES: MULTITASKING: Multitasking is a myth. It actually wastes time. More mistakes can take place. U cannot concentrate on two things at a time. Do one thing at a time or both things would have mediocre results. Brain has a finite capability. Task switching exacts a cost of time and energy. Divide the attention and pay price in time and effectiveness. It even increases stress.Our work deserves respect & people v work with and live with deserves full attention. Distraction is natural. Don't feel bad if u get distracted. Just jot down the distractions and attend them later.

6) THE LIES: A DISCIPLINED LIFE: The discipline v have is more than enough to achieve the results. V just need to manage and direct it a little bit. V don't need to b full time disciplined. V just need 2 b disciplined so that it forms a habit. Success is about doing the right thing not about doing everything right. Choose the right habit and bring just enough discipline to establish it. When u do the right thing, it can liberate u from having to monitor everything. Habits require much less energy to maintain and hard only in the beginning. Usually, it is said it takes 66 days to acquire new habit. So, don't give up. Always build one habit at a time.

7) THE LIES: WILLPOWER IS ALWAYS ON WILL-CALL: Our will power is finite and limited. So, use it carefully. Decide what matters most and reserve ur willpower for it. Eat right (complex protein and complex carbs) regularly. Do what matters the most first each day when your willpower is max.

8) THE LIES: A BALANCED LIFE: Balancing is a lie. When u give time for something, u r compromising on something else. U will miss something. U can't do everything. Separate work life and personal life. View work as involving a skill or knowledge that must b mastered. Ur work life is divided into two distinct areas-what matters most and everything else. U will have to take what matters to the extremes and b okay with what happens to rest. U must also have a life. Spend time for personal life. Let the right things take precedence when they should and get to the rest when u can. Life is about counterbalancing.

9) THE LIES: BIG IS BAD: U can reach 10 if u aim for 20.Avoid incremental thinking: "What will I do next?"-> This is at best the slow lane to success and at worst, the off ramp. Set a goal so far above what u want that u build ur actions based on that goal. Have ur own path. People who r crazy enough to think they can change the world r the only ones who do. Big thoughts go nowhere without bold action. Pause and imagine the life which u want. Adopt a growth mindset an don't fear failure. Extraordinary results aren’t built solely on results but also on failures too. Learn from ur mistakes and grow. Think big, aim high , act bold. What u do today will build ur tomorrow. As u experience big-> u become big.

10) THE TRUTH: THE FOCUSING QUESTION : Being appropriate in the moments of your life. Break your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one. How v phrase the questions v ask ourselves determines the answers that eventually become our life. WHAT's THE ONE THING I NEED TO DO RIGHT NOW SO THAT EVERYTHING ELSE WILL B EASIER OR UNNECESSARY. Focus on the first domino until it is knocked out. Once u have done that, u will discover a line of dominoes behind it either ready to fall or already down. Develop a vision and direction for ur life. How do u want to b remembered? Be attentive to your most important immediate needs. Every morning ask the Focusing question.

11) THE TRUTH: THE SUCCESS HABIT: Do what's right, at the right time. Believe in yourself. If u don't have hope u will not take action. Make Focusing question a habit, until it becomes a habit. Setup ways to remind yourself to use Focusing question. Until your ONE thing is done- everything else is a distraction.

12) THE TRUTH: THE PATH TO GREAT ANSWERS: People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. A big and specific question , in the form of Focusing question, helps u zero in on the best possible answer. Extraordinary results need extraordinary actions. Stretch yourself, aim at the edge of ur current abilities. There are benchmarks set by others, u can use them for direction.

13) EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: LIVE WITH PURPOSE: Profit is built on Productivity. Productivity built on Priority & Priority is built on Purpose. Purpose and priority must drive u. Live with purpose. Live by Priority. Live for productivity.What u see is determined by what u don't. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Who v r and where v want to go determine what v do and what v accomplish. Happiness happens on the way to fulfilment. Happiness doesn't mean acquiring for the next thing. U must have a purpose. Life sometimes can be distinctive and things may not go ur way. Don't feel bad. Its normal. Make your life about something bigger, bring meaning and purpose to ur everyday actions. What drives u? Try writing down something u would like to accomplish and then describe how u would do it. Pick a direction and start marching down that path, and see how u like it.

14) EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: LIVE BY PRIORITY: Purpose without priority. Priority is something which matters the most. Lead each day with priority. Goal setting to the NOW: SOMEDAY GOAL->FIVE YEAR GOAL->ONE YEAR GOAL->MONTHLY GOAL->WEEKLY GOAL->DAILY GOAL->RIGHT NOW. Connect today to all ur tomorrows. Write ur goals down and keep them close. And once u know what to do, the only thing left is to go from knowing to doing.

15) EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: LIVE FOR PRODUCTIVITY: It's more about priorities, planning and fiercely protecting ur time. Life of extraordinary results simply comes down to getting the most out of what u do, when what u do matters. Make an appointment with yourself and keep it.Time Block for yourself. Give atleast 30 minutes each day to plan the day.Work according to the event and not on time. Block at least 4 hrs each day for ur ONE thing.Be a maker in the morning and a manager in the afternoon.Block each week to review ur annual and monthly goals.Line up the dominoes. Cancel out days on Calendar.Perseverance is many short races one after another. Protect your Time Block as the world do not know your purpose and priority.Ur own need to do other things instead of your ONE thing may b ur biggest challenge to overcome. Jot down the distractions and attend them later. Try to work where there is no interruption and distraction. Remove the distractions. Ur work needs 100% attention.

16) EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: THE THREE COMMITMENTS: Have a mindset to b a master.Seek mastery in what u do and not just to finish off the task. Journey of mastery never ends.As u progress along mastery, both ur self confidence and success competence will grow. Confident people have confidence because of their work. U r always a beginner as knowledge grows & so does the master.The path of mastery is the combination of not only doing the best u can do at it, but also doing it the best it can be done.Everybody has a ceiling for everything. So, find other ways (out of the box unnatural ways) to tackle the situation. A different result requires doing something different. Challenge yourself to break through your  current ceiling. Just having a mindset to complete the task is comfortable but it will not make u master.Actions determine outcomes and outcomes inform actions.Live the accountability cycle of results. Take complete ownership of ur outcomes by holding no one but yourself responsible for them is the most powerful thing u can do to drive ur success. Accountable people achieve results others only dream of.Be an author of your life instead of being its victim. Do not fight reality. Go and get what you want. Defeat your destiny and b its author.Highly successful people r clear about their role in the events of their life. Don't fear reality,seek it,acknowledge it and own it. Seek out for mentors to guide u on your  goal.

17) EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: THE FOCUS THIEVES: Focus is a matter of deciding what things u r not going to do. If u say YES to something means u have to say NO to anyone or anything which can derail u. Saying Yes to everything is saying Yes to nothing. You can't please everyone, so don't even try because when u do so , the one person u absolutely won't please is yourself. U can keep your Yes and say No in a way that works for u and for others. Every request which u get must b related to your ONE thing or else just avoid or direct them politely. When u vigorously say YES to your ONE thing and NO to the rest, extraordinary results become possible. When u strive for greatness, chaos will show up. There will always b some job left undone. So, get used to it and get over it. Never sacrifice ur time block even if u have to beg. Change ur health habits. Personal energy management is important. U need big energy for extraordinary result. Starting ur day by connecting with your higher purpose aligns your thoughts and actions with a larger story. Eat right and exercise before u go to bed. Spend time with your family. Don't loiter and slow down. Eight hours of sleep is important. Energise yourself in the early hours and get pulled through the rest of the day with little additional effort. If u can have a productive day until noon, u can pull through the rest of the day with little additional effort. Environment plays an important role in your success. you are influencing others and others r influencing u. No one is strong enough to avoid the influence of negativity forever. So, protect yourself. Surround yourself with the right success minded people. Attitude thieves will drain  your energy. your environment can have serious implications on your health. No one succeeds alone and no one fails alone.What is around u will either aim u toward your time block or pull u away. This starts from the time u wake up and continues until u get to your time block bunker. So, eradicate all distractions. Clear the path and take ownership of your environment. Leave your mark and live a life which matters.

18) THE JOURNEY : Start with a single step (ONE thing).Lift the limits of  your thinking and u expand the limits of your life. Getting your focus as small as possible simplifies ur thinking and crystallises what u must do. Survey u
t find your One thing.Always look for the levered action that will start a domino run. Fear and Faith (2 wolves story) reside in us. One who goes to take risk can only go too far. Have faith in yourself. Give your best choices, narrow your  options, line up ur priorities, and do what matters most. you  must go small. U must at what u r doing. Ur future self must b proud of himself: "I am glad I did that," not "I wish I had". A life worth living might b measured in many ways, but the one way that stands above all others is living a life of no regrets. Life is too short for should haves and could haves. Start with the end in the mind. Live your life to minimise the regrets u might have at the end. Honor yourself and your  dream. So, make sure everyday u do matters the most, everything should make sense. When u don’t know what matters most, anything makes sense. Success is an inside job.Put yourself together , bring ur purpose, know ur priorities and achieve high productivity on the priority: Ur world falls in place. All success in life starts within u. U r the first domino.

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