How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration by Bent Flyvbjerg (Author), Dan Gardner (Author)

How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration by Bent Flyvbjerg (Author), Dan Gardner (Author)


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 How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration


The journey of completing a substantial project, whether it's remodeling your home or sending a rover to Mars, is a compelling story of human ingenuity, determination, and collaboration. In "How Big Things Get Done," authors Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner delve into the surprising factors that underpin the success of grand undertakings. This article explores key takeaways from the book and the vital elements that drive any successful project.

 The Power of Planning

 Setting Clear Objectives

At the core of every successful project lies a crystal-clear vision. Whether it's designing your dream home or planning a mission to outer space, setting specific objectives is paramount. Flyvbjerg and Gardner emphasize the importance of defining what you aim to achieve, no matter the scale of your project. 

Creating a Detailed Plan 

Once your objectives are established, it's time to craft a meticulous plan. A comprehensive roadmap, detailing every step and milestone, will serve as your guiding light. The book highlights that an effective plan minimizes uncertainty and helps you stay on course.

Building a Skilled Team 

No project is accomplished in isolation. Assemble a team of experts whose skills complement one another. Flyvbjerg and Gardner stress the significance of collaboration and how a cohesive team can make or break your project's success.

 Overcoming Challenges

Managing Risks 

Every project is rife with risks. Identifying potential obstacles and devising strategies to mitigate them is crucial. The book's insights shed light on the significance of risk management in ensuring your project stays on track.

Adapting to Change 

Flexibility is key. As the project unfolds, you may encounter unexpected changes or hurdles. The ability to adapt and find innovative solutions can be a game-changer.

 Effective Communication

Regular Team Meetings 

Communication is the backbone of collaboration. Regular team meetings keep everyone informed, aligned, and motivated. Ensuring that all team members are on the same page is vital to a project's success.


Open and honest communication fosters trust among team members. Flyvbjerg and Gardner advocate for transparency as it helps in addressing issues promptly and prevents misunderstandings.

 Motivation and Leadership

Inspiring the Team 

Motivated team members are more likely to go the extra mile. Inspirational leadership can drive your project forward. Leading with enthusiasm and purpose is essential.

 Leading by Example 

Leadership is not just about giving orders. Leading by example sets the tone for the entire team. Show your commitment, and others will follow suit.

Resources and Budgeting

 Allocation of Resources 

Efficient allocation of resources is a cornerstone of project management. Ensuring that resources are used optimally is critical to success. 

Staying Within Budget 

Budget overruns can derail even the most promising projects. Flyvbjerg and Gardner emphasize the need to stick to your budget, making sound financial decisions along the way.

Case Studies

Home Renovations 

To illustrate their points, the authors delve into the world of home renovations. They reveal how even a project as personal as refurbishing your living space can benefit from these universal principles.

 Space Exploration 

Space exploration, a grand endeavor, is used as a prime example. The book highlights how organizations like NASA apply these principles to execute missions that seem out of this world. 


In conclusion, "How Big Things Get Done" by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner unveils the surprising factors that underlie every successful project, regardless of its magnitude. This article has explored essential concepts from the book, emphasizing the importance of clear objectives, meticulous planning, teamwork, adaptability, effective communication, motivation, resource management, and staying within budget. These principles apply to projects of all sizes, from home renovations to space exploration.


1. How can I set clear objectives for my project?

   - Clear objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Think about what you want to accomplish and how you will measure success.

2. What role does risk management play in project success?

   - Risk management involves identifying potential issues and developing strategies to mitigate them. It helps keep your project on track and minimizes unexpected setbacks.

3. Why is transparency crucial in project management?

   - Transparency fosters trust among team members and ensures everyone is on the same page. It helps in addressing issues promptly and avoiding misunderstandings.

4. How can I motivate my project team effectively?

   - Motivating your team involves inspiring them with a clear vision, leading by example, and showing genuine enthusiasm for the project's goals.

5. What are the key steps to effective resource management?

   - Efficient resource management involves allocating resources optimally, monitoring their usage, and staying within budget to ensure the project's success.

This article is a roadmap for project success, drawing from the wisdom of "How Big Things Get Done." Whether you're planning a home renovation or envisioning the next space exploration mission, these principles will guide you toward a triumphant outcome.

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